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‘The Best Experience I Could Have Asked For’

A first-generation legacy is born in this family focused on positivity.

The Story of Brian George

The volunteer fire service is a family affair for Brian George.

“Once my son aged out of Boy Scouts, we decided to join the fire department together,” he says, “Just a year later, my wife joined the department.”

Brian’s family thrives on positivity, he says. Being in the volunteer fire service is one of those positives.

Being in his 50s, Brian admits he was unsure about the training, part of the department’s weekly routine. It is what keeps their skills sharp and them prepared for any type of call the department may receive.

“You train daily, you train hard, you train with each other,” says Brian as he explains how all the volunteers in his department know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. “We are all there to help each other.”

Brian is proud and grateful for the experiences he has had while serving his community alongside his son.

“It is the best experience I could have asked for. Going through it together, it is a wonderful thing. I don’t think I would want to experience anything else,” Brian says. “A first-generation legacy being made.”

You never know what you a capable of until you try it out and experience it for yourself, Brian says. As a volunteer firefighter, you learn every day and it doesn’t matter the age, you are never too old to learn.

“Don’t be afraid to join your volunteer fire department. It is a wonderful experience,” he said. “You’re never going to think you can do it until you go in and try it.”

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April 26-27 2025

Find your local volunteer fire department hosting an Open House.